Poems, short stories, papers being accepted for ‘The Carillon’

Carillon-RotatorEnglish honorary Sigma Tau Delta is accepting submissions for the next edition of “The Carillon,” a collection of poems, short stories or research papers written by students at UNK.

Select entries will be published in a book.

“The Carillon” serves as an opportunity for many students to get their work published for the first time.

Submissions should be emailed to Carillon@unk.edu.

Deadline for entries is Feb. 15, 2016. Students will be notified by email once their work has been read and evaluated.

For additional information, contact Karyn Hixson at 308.865.8299 or hixsonkl@unk.edu.


Contact: Karyn Hixson, 308.865.8299, hixsonkl@unk.edu