Shannon Spiers creates one-of-a-kind Halloween costumes for daughter

UNK Communications

KEARNEY – Shannon Spiers is carrying on her family tradition of creating unique Halloween costumes, and connecting with her daughter in the process.

Spiers, an office associate for the Master of Business Administration Program at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, began sewing with her mom, Sharon Leech of Ravenna, as a child. “It was just something my mom and I always did together,” she said.

Alyce Spiers 7Growing up, she spent time cross stitching and eventually started quilting. After her daughter Alyce was born, Spiers started making costumes. On Alyce’s first birthday, Spiers made a Tinkerbell costume.

Over the years, 10-year-old Alyce, a fifth-grader at Northeast Elementary School, has dressed up as a vampire pirate, purple skeleton, witch, nurse, Renaissance Barbie and Medieval Barbie.

Spiers uses Pinterest for inspiration and receives guidance from Alyce. “I’ll get crazy with my ideas and she’ll tell me she doesn’t want certain things,” she said.

After forming an idea, Spiers decides what pieces of the costume will be homemade and which will be purchased. She then buys fabric, alters a pattern and begins sewing.

Alyce often helps make the costumes or talks with Spiers while she sews. “It’s really a fun way to connect with her. It helps me see how she thinks. She has her own unique view. It also makes her feel special because we made something together just for her.”

This Halloween, Alyce will be a DictionFairy – a fairy inspired by the dictionary. She will wear a tutu made of newspaper, fairy wings made of book pages and fake reading glasses.

“I love puns. I like to be a little bit clever with her costumes,” Spiers said.

On Halloween, Spiers and Alyce often join Spiers’ sister, Sherry Leech, and her children, Taylie, 15, and Dawson, 12, for trick or treating.

“Halloween is a chance to be something you’ve always wanted to be without restrictions,” Spiers said. “You get to change for a night.”

Spiers’ favorite childhood costume was one she wore when she was 11 years old – a Trojan soldier – made by her mom.


Source: Shannon Spiers, 308.865.8346,
Writer: Sara Giboney, 308.865.8529,

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Shannon Spiers and her daughter, Alyce.