UNK to graduate 214 at Aug. 1 summer commencement

Commencement Rotator

What: UNK Summer Commencement
When: 10 a.m. Friday, Aug. 1.
Where: Ponderosa Room, Nebraskan Student Union
Webcast: www.unk.edu or the “UNKearney” channel on You Tube.
Parking: Parking is available east of the Nebraskan Student Union, north of College of Education, west of Cope Stadium, and in lots near Centennial Towers East and West. Note that the bridge on University Drive between the College of Education parking lot and Cushing Coliseum is closed due to construction.

KEARNEY – More than 200 graduate and undergraduate degrees will be conferred at the University of Nebraska at Kearney commencement exercises at 10 a.m. Friday (Aug. 1) in the Ponderosa Room in the Nebraskan Student Union.

In all, there are 214 candidates for degrees – 96 undergraduate and 118 graduate degrees.

Susanne Bloomfield Mug_ppSusanne Bloomfield, professor of English at UNK, will deliver the commencement address. An award-winning faculty member, Bloomfield has been on the faculty at UNK since 1979. Her specialty areas are 19thCentury American Literature, Western and Multicultural literature, biography and memoir, and English education.

She is a winner of UNK’s Leland Holdt Distinguished Faculty Award and Pratt-Heins awards in both scholarship/research and teaching. She has dozens of other state and national awards and fellowships for excellence in teaching and research.

Bloomfield is the author of 10 books, including three national award-winning biographies published by the University of Nebraska Press. Her hundreds of published essays, poems, book reviews, photography, manuscripts and other works include a book manuscript in progress. “Never Sell the Land: A Love Story of the Great Plains” is a memoir and cultural history.

Bloomfield was UNK’s 2013 Distinguished Alumni of the Year. Her address is titled “Life Accumulates.”

BrandonDrozdBrandon Drozd, a bachelor’s degree candidate in organizational communication from Genoa, will present the graduate reflection. A member of the Chancellor’s Leadership Class and an Honors graduate, Drozd has been active in Greek life. He served as president of Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) and president of the Interfraternity Council. He was the Nu Kappa Brother of the Year in 2011 and member of the Omega-Greek Honor Society. Drozd plans to attend graduate school at the University of Kansas.

UNK Chancellor Douglas Kristensen will give the welcome. Cami Graves, a 2003 UNK alumna, and Nolan Pribnow, a junior music education major, will perform the national anthem.

For those unable to attend commencement in person, the event will be available as a webcast. Information for the webcast is located at www.unk.edu or by visiting the UNKearney channel on You Tube. In addition, individuals on campus can view ceremonies via Campus Cable TV, Channel 2.

Candidates for degrees are listed below in three groups: graduates from Nebraska, graduates from across the United States and international graduates. Nebraska graduates are listed in alphabetical order by hometown. Out-of-state graduates are listed in alphabetical order by state. International graduates are listed in alphabetical order by country. Degrees are listed.

Students graduating with honors have the honors noted after their names. Honors, along with grade point averages necessary to earn those honors, include: summa cum laude, 3.90-4.00; magna cum laude, 3.80-3.89; cum laude, 3.70-3.79; and honorable mention, 3.50-3.69.


Adams – Aaron Delhay, master of science in education, instructional technology

Albion – Megan Warner, bachelor of science, business administration

Alliance – Brittany Lurz, master of arts in education, physical education-research and field work; Cody Anthony, bachelor of science, exercise science

Alma – Heidi Kauk, bachelor of science, radiography

Amherst – Faron Klingelhoefer, master of arts in education, physical education exercise science-non-thesis

Arnold – Jessica Eastburn, bachelor of science, business administration

Arthur – Jamie Gorwill, master of arts in education, school principalship 7-12; Blake Hampton, bachelor of arts in education, career business education; Mark Monahan, bachelor of science, criminal justice

Auburn – Nicole Tuxhorn, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th

Bassett – Alyx Friedrich, master of business administration, business administration-accounting

Beatrice – Karen Dittbrenner, master of science in education, instructional technology-library media; Charisa Ramsey, bachelor of general studies, general studies

Bellevue – Sandra Lemke, master of science in education, instructional technology

Broken Bow – Matthew Carrizales, bachelor of science, criminal justice; Christopher Kelley, master of arts in education, school principalship 7-12; Ellen Ross, bachelor of science, radiography

Burwell – Nila Christensen, master of arts in education, Spanish education

Callaway – Jerry Brown, master of arts in education, school principalship 7-12

Central City – Caitlin Sullivan, bachelor of science, family studies; Nancy Tvrdy-Gathje, master of science in education, instructional technology-library media

Chadron – Brandon Horst, master of science in education, instructional technology

Clarks – Tabitha Rieken, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction

Clarkson – Amanda Yosten, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th

Crete – Mary Rische, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th

Dannebrog – Karmen Miller-Mackey, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-English as a second language

David City – Joy Bell, master of arts in education, special education-mild/moderate

Deweese – Garret Svoboda, bachelor of science, agribusiness

Eagle – Damon Magnuson, bachelor of science, business administration

Elm Creek – Rebecca Kimmons, bachelor of science, family studies

Elwood – Samantha Ferguson, bachelor of science, business administration

Firth – Jessie Andre, master of science in education, instructional technology-library media

Friend – Tressa Beckler, master of science in education, instructional technology

Genoa – Brandon Drozd, bachelor of science, organizational communication, Summa Cum Laude, Honors Program, Mortar Board

Gering – Brian Peister, bachelor of science,   business administration

Gibbon – Angela Clevenger, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-secondary education; Benjamin Gillming, bachelor of science, exercise science; Peter Rasmussen, bachelor of science, sports administration, business administration; Courtney Zwink, master of science in education, science math education

Gothenburg – Kristen Butterfield, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th

Grand Island – Justine Agaloos, master of science in education, instructional technology; Rachel Carrizales, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-early childhood education; Britton Hulme, bachelor of science, construction management; Samantha Mitchell, bachelor of science, psychology; Zachary Runcie, master of science in education, science math education-mathematics; Danielle Sloan, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-early childhood education

Grant – Michelle Snyder, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-English as a second language

Hampton – Janice Ochsner Ediger, master of science in education, school counseling secondary

Hastings – Andrea Curlo, master of science in education, science math education-physics/physical science; Jade Siegel, master of science in education, speech language pathology; Matthew Sterup, bachelor of science, industrial distribution; Noah Whitaker, bachelor of science, sports management, Cum Laude; Angela Ziggafoos, master of business administration, business administration-accounting; Marilyn Zysset, master of science in education, instructional technology-school librarian

Hershey – Audrey Bellew, bachelor of science, business administration, Magna Cum Laude; Jocelyn Haase, bachelor of arts, art history

Holdrege – Eric Brown, bachelor of science, construction management; Zachary Grove, bachelor of science, sports administration; Sergio Lara, bachelor of science, industrial distribution

Kearney – Kelli Bauer, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th; Joene Crocker, bachelor of science, journalism: public relations, Honorable Mention; Helen Dubas, bachelor of science, recreation park tourism management; Angela Fransk, master of arts in education, school principalship 7-12; Janelle Kowalek, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-early childhood education; Lindsie Lybarger, bachelor of arts in education, early childhood unified, Summa Cum Laude; Shelby Maloley, bachelor of science, psychobiology, Magna Cum Laude, Mortar Board; Dana Marzolf, bachelor of science,,sociology; Zachary Porter, bachelor of science, chemistry, Cum Laude; Jordan Skyler, bachelor of science, sports administration; Shane Smith, bachelor of science, criminal justice; Kevin Stones, bachelor of arts, English writing; Brandon Wallace, bachelor of science, business administration; Lori Weed Skarka, master of science in education, instructional technology; Jacklyn Westesen, bachelor of fine arts, visual communication and design; Amanda Thee, bachelor of general studies, general studies

Kenesaw – Rod Richardson, education specialist, school superintendent

Lawrence – Laura Herz, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-instructional effectiveness

Lexington – Hannah Mandelko, bachelor of science, psychology

Lincoln – Deanna Castro, master of arts in education, physical education master teacher-pedagogy; Angela Nabower, master of science in education, instructional technology; Caitlin Roussan, bachelor of science in education, communication disorders

Lindsay – Mitchell Kurtenbach, master of arts in education, physical education exercise science, non-thesis

Lodgepole – Tyler Cavalli, bachelor of science, journalism

McCook – Jayne Heimer, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-English as a second language; Levi Marker, bachelor of science, construction management; Jason Relph, bachelor of science, business administration

Minden – Casy Corr, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-early childhood education; Ashley Dornhoff, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th

Naponee – Kelli Downey, bachelor of fine arts, studio art

Neligh – Kristen Evans, master of science in education, instructional technology-library media

Norfolk – Lance Lawson, bachelor of science, sports administration

North Platte – Stephanie Benes, bachelor of science, organizational and relational communication; John Byrn, master of arts in education, school principalship 7-12; Danielle Coon, bachelor of science, recreation park tourism management; Michael Haws, bachelor of science, business administration; Jeff Hopkinson, bachelor of science, radiography

Oakland – Tara Miller, master of arts in education, school principalship pre-kindergarten through eighth

Ogallala – Andrew Faesser, bachelor of science, sports management; Amber Max, master of science in education, clinical mental health counseling; Craig Woken, bachelor of science, exercise science fitness and wellness

Omaha – Anthony Aliano, master of arts in education, special education-mild/moderate; Marie Boetger, bachelor of science, industrial distribution; Joseph Coil, bachelor of arts in education, health and physical education; Chelsea Cook, bachelor of science, business administration; Laura Cushing, master of arts in education, special education-gifted; David Emanuel, master of science in education, science math education-mathematics; Ryan Figgins, bachelor of science, political science; Aaron Garza, bachelor of science, exercise science; Kathryn King, bachelor of science, exercise science fitness and wellness; Brenna Neuhaus, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th; Mary Pesavento, bachelor of science, exercise science; Chase Saxton, bachelor of science, sports administration; Warren Smith      , master of arts in education, school principalship pre-kindergarten through eighth; Charles Steele, master of science,biology; Mae Villalobos, master of science in education, instructional technology; Justin Zyla, master of arts, English-creative writing; Magaly Castillo, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-English as a second language

O’Neill – Rita Hood, bachelor of science, radiography, Honorable Mention

Ord – Brandon Ingraham, bachelor of science, aviation systems management, Cum Laude; Hannah Lueck, bachelor of science, radiography; Marci Veach, master of science in education,       instructional technology

Oshkosh – Dustin Jasnoch, bachelor of science, exercise science fitness and wellness

Overton – Alejandro Morales, master of arts, history; Mark Zulkoski, master of arts in education, school principalship, pre-kindergarten through eighth

Pleasanton – Samantha Halstead, master of science in education, clinical mental health counseling

Poole – Amanda Majer, bachelor of arts, psychology, English

Ravenna – Kody Urwiller, bachelor of science, telecommunications management; Christina Burton, bachelor of science, business administration, Honorable Mention

Raymond – Justin Higgins, master of science in education, instructional technology

Scotia – Amanda Shoemaker, master of science in education, school counseling secondary

Scottsbluff – Jon Decker, bachelor of science, sports administration; Adrianna Tarin, bachelor of science, journalism: public relations

Scribner – Kendra Settles, bachelor of science, criminal justice

Shelton – Kara Stevens, bachelor of science, recreation park tourism management, Honorable Mention, Mortar Board

Shickley – Bryce Jorgenson, education specialist school superintendent

Sidney – Katherine Horn, bachelor of science, interior design

South Sioux City – Ryan Rager, master of arts in education, music education

Spalding – Tyler Bernt, bachelor of science, agribusiness

Sutton – Amanda Zoucha, bachelor of science, business administration

Taylor – Vickie Bullis Johnson, master of science in education, instructional technology

Tekamah – Nathan Olson, master of science in education, instructional technology

Trenton – Jaci Wright, bachelor of science,    psychology, Honorable Mention

Waco – Michael Runge, bachelor of science, business administration

Wahoo – Ashley Sloup, bachelor of science, recreation park tourism management

Wayne – Jordan Barry, bachelor of science,   sports administration, Honorable Mention

West Point – Jason Redmond, master of arts in education, physical education master teacher-pedagogy

Worms – Allison Dush, bachelor of science, recreation park tourism management



Avondale – Lindsay Harrell, master of arts in education, physical education master teacher-pedagogy


Lancaster – Matthew Hess, master of arts, history

Los Angeles – Cesar Cruz, bachelor of science, business administration; Taylor Shipley, bachelor of science, business administration


Brush – Ronald Alexander, master of arts in education, school principalship 7-12

Colorado Springs – Megan McCooey, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th

Denver – Sarah Talcott, bachelor of science, sports administration, Summa Cum Laude

Hudson – Dustin Kinnison, master of science in education, science, math education-chemistry

Peyton – Tracy Lee, master of science, biology

Sterling – Shane Basford, bachelor of science, sports management, Cum Laude

Westminster – Sarah Hix, bachelor of science, exercise science


Labelle – Lindsey Bowen, master of science, biology

Miami – Gregory Castaneda, master of science in education, instructional technology

Palm Bay – Krystle Greene, master of science, biology


Kuna – Vicki Yrazabal Looney, master of arts, history


Belleville – John Henrichs, master of arts in education, school principalship pre-kindergarten through 8th

Country Club Hills – David Penn, master of arts, history

Decatur – Amanda Wakeman, master of science in education, science math education-biology

Evanston – Joseph Rogalski, master of science, biology


Mishawaka – Kyle Davis, master of arts, history

West Lafayette – Avery Boaz, master of arts, history


Holcomb – Connor Singhisen, master of arts in education, physical education-research and field work

Pittsburg – Joshua Vannurden, bachelor of science, exercise science fitness and wellness

Topeka – Kelsey Raiman, master of arts in education, physical education-research and Field Work

Wamego – Michelle Figge, master of arts in education, special education-Mild/Moderate


Louisville – Walter Brown Jr., master of arts, history


Ferndale – Elizabeth Moyer, master of arts in education, art education

Sandusky – Paul Wagner II, master of science, biology


Dassel – Jason Olson, master of arts, history

Saint Paul – Laura Sonnek, master of arts in education, physical education-research and field work

St. Charles – Ryan Dresher, master of arts, history


Kansas City – Magdalena Golenia, master of science, biology

Marshall – Alexandria Sprigg, bachelor of science, business administration

North Carolina

Mocksville – David East, master of science,    biology


Mesquite – Courtney Spawn, master of arts in education, physical education-research and field work

New York                                                         

Massapequa – Jaclyn Castma, master of arts, history

New York  – Jennifer Kraemer, master of arts in education, reading pre-kindergarten through 12th; David McCray, bachelor of science, sociology


Huron – Aimee Johnson, master of arts in education, supervisor of special education

Russellville – William Ackley, master of arts, history


Ontario – Sarah Poff, master of science in education, instructional technology


Newtown Square – Rebecca Sample, master of arts in education reading pre-kindergarten through 12th

York Springs – Sarah Smith, master of arts in education, special education-gifted

South Carolina

Myrtle Beach – Katie Parton, master of arts, history

South Dakota            

Rapid City – Amy Davis, master of arts, history


Ennis – James Hobbs, master of science, biology

Houston – Quinston Reggins, bachelor of science, sports administration

Manvel – Dennis Jones, master of science in education, instructional technology

Sundown – Robert Box, master of science, biology

White Oak – Wesley Berry, bachelor of science, construction management, Honorable Mention

Narrows – Kelly Garcia, master of arts in education, Spanish education


Centralia – Sean Mayfield, master of arts, history


Eau Claire – John-Paul Butcher, master of arts in education, art education

Manitowoc – Lue Lee, master of science, biology


Carpenter – Deanna Thrush, bachelor of arts, theatre



Lanzhou, Gansu – Yipeng Zhang, bachelor of science, business administration, Summa Cum Laude

Nanjing, Jiangsu – Chen Lu, master of arts in education, curriculum and instruction-instructional effectiveness

Shijiazhuang, Hebei – Dong Han, bachelor of science, business administration

Zaoqiang of Hengshui City – Wendi Mao, bachelor of science, professional chemist

Zhoukou, Henan – Li Wang, master of science, biology


Takahama, Fukui – Yusuke Sakuma  bachelor of arts, sociology


Bucha, Kiev – Liubov Kreminska, master of science in education, instructional technology-information technology


Source: Kelly Bartling, 308.224.7473, bartlingkh@unk.edu
Writer: Sara Giboney, 308.865.8529, giboneys2@unk.edu