Giboney wins writing awards in statewide communications contest

Sara GiboneyKEARNEY – University of Nebraska at Kearney Writing Specialist Sara Giboney earned second place in the news releases category in the 2013 Nebraska Press Women Communications Contest.

Giboney, who writes news releases for UNK’s Communications and Community Relations Department, was honored for her feature news release on former UNK Athletics Director Jon McBride.

The story detailed McBride’s struggle with Parkinson’s Disease and highlighted a campus event that promoted Parkinson’s awareness.

Giboney also won first place for her personal blog, Sweet Success; third place for feature story in a newspaper; and honorable mention for specialty articles on physical health, fitness or mental health for a newspaper.

Nebraska Press Women is an organization for women and men from all areas of the communications industry. NPW provides professional development opportunities, and promotes the highest ideals of journalism.

Read the feature story on Jon McBride here:
