Construction management students build garage for Boy Scouts

Construction Management Organization members at the University of Nebraska at Kearney build a garage for Boy Scout Troop 158 in Kearney. The building will store the troop’s camping gear and other supplies.
Construction Management Organization members at the University of Nebraska at Kearney build a garage for Boy Scout Troop 158 in Kearney. The building will store the troop’s camping gear and other supplies.

UNK Communications

KEARNEY – University of Nebraska at Kearney construction management students are helping a Kearney Boy Scouts troop grow.

The UNK Construction Management Organization is building a garage for Boy Scouts Troop 158. The troop will store its camping gear and supplies in the garage, which is located on the corner of 16th Street and Central Avenue in Kearney.

ConstructionManagement2 copy“The construction industry is such a big part of the community. It’s important for students to see the impact that they can have when they take their skills into the community,” said Nathan Barry, industrial technology assistant professor and Construction Management Organization advisor.

Assistant Scout Leader Tony Jelinek said the troop, which is associated with Faith United Methodist Church, has grown steadily each year. This year there are 67 scouts in the troop, and the garage the troop shares with the church is too small.

Jelinek, who is also a construction management student at UNK, suggested that the Construction Management Organization build the garage as the group’s annual community service project.

Planning for the 24-foot by 24-foot garage began in August, and construction began in October. The garage is being built on land owned by Faith United Methodist Church. In November, concrete was poured for the foundation. Students are now waiting for warmer weather to construct the walls.

Barry said the project gives students “real world” experience. After creating the plans for the garage, students submitted drawings to the city and waited for approval. Students also asked businesses for material donations. Builder’s Warehouse, Kearney Concrete and Mead Lumber donated materials.

“It’s a cost savings for our troop since we’re a nonprofit organization. It’s a way that we can continue to grow our troop and provide needed resources to help the young boys develop and grow,” Jelinek said.

“We’re very grateful for everybody that’s helping us with this project. Without the help of UNK we wouldn’t be able to get this project done.”

The project is expected to be complete in April.

“The guys have worked really hard,” Barry said. “This has been a completely student-led project.”


Source: Nathan Barry, 308-865-8733,
Writer: Sara Giboney, 308.865.8529,

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