Jayne Heimer
Japanese Association at Kearney (JAK) adviser, 308.865.8835 or heimerjm@unk.edu

The Japanese Association of Kearney (JAK) at the University of Nebraska at Kearney is set to host a Japanese Arts Night on Friday, Nov. 9.

The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Nebraskan Student Union Cedar Room from 7-8 p.m.

According to Jayne Heimer, UNK international education English Language Institute educator, JAK will provide the supplies and instruction on how to do calligraphy and origami.

“The students of JAK would like to invite people on the UNK campus and in the Kearney community to learn these arts and combine them to make a wall decoration,” Heimer said. “There will also be a place with a nice background to take photos.”

Nine members of JAK have planned the event and have enlisted the participation of other Japanese students on campus.

According to Heimer, the members of JAK plan events that will provide a better understanding of the Japanese culture among students and the community.

“The members of JAK believe that learning the differences between diverse cultures leads to better understanding and enriches lives,” Heimer said.