Katie Clavin
AMA communication chair, 402.926.6559

The collegiate chapter of the American Marketing Association at the University of Nebraska at Kearney has elected new officers for the 2012-2013 academic year, according to Katie Clavin of Omaha.

Clavin is the newly elected vice president of communication for the organization. Other newly elected officers, listed alphabetically by hometown, include: Cook – Joe Mannschreck, vice president of membership and treasurer; Kearney – Amanda Thee, vice president of programming; Lincoln – Rebecca Swenseth, president; and North Platte –Miranda Kluthe, vice president.

“Through membership in AMA, students develop leadership skills and network with professionals in their career field,” said Marsha Yeagley, UNK AMA adviser. “AMA helps the students by providing resources, education, and career and professional development opportunities.

As one of their projects, the students and Yeagley took part in the Nebraska AIDS walk, helping to raise more than $7,000, which will be used locally to assist people with HIV/AIDS.