Dr. Ed Scantling,
dean of the college of education, 308.865.8502, or

Three area educators will be inducted into the Academy for Teacher Excellence at the University of Nebraska at Kearney on Thursday, April 26.

The three, and their affiliations, include Dean Tickle, principal of Lexington Middle School; Dr. Diane Duffin, UNK associate professor of political science; and Dr. Dawn Mollenkopf, UNK associate professor of teacher education.

“The 2012 class of inductees is very strong and representative of the many dedicated educators who commit themselves each year to working with future teachers from UNK,” said Dr. Ed Scantling, UNK dean of the College of Education. “We are indebted to them for their long-term work with our students.”

The inductees will be recognized by the UNK Advisory Council on Teacher Education during the program, which will begin at 3 p.m. in the UNK Health and Sports Center, Room 150/151.

“The purpose of the academy is to recognize, reward and support the excellence that ‘select’ teacher educators demonstrate in the preparation of new professionals for the P-12 education profession,” Dr. Scantling said.

Tickle is the principal for Lexington Middle School and has actively collaborated with UNK on initiatives involving teacher education. He has been active in his support of the National Network for Educational Renewal and is active at the state level in creating new standards for Nebraska teachers.

“Dean Tickle is a tremendous principal who leads a building; but he is also a tremendous resource for faculty and students of the University of Nebraska at Kearney,” Dr. Scantling said.

Dr. Duffin is an associate professor in the UNK political science department and was the lead facilitator for the Political Science 110-TE 100 course “block.” The merging of these two courses allows students time to travel to area schools for field experiences and learning. In addition, merging the classes allows for students to participate in a policy project that researches timely educational issues.

“Dr. Duffin has joined with teacher education colleagues to present the components of the policy project at the National Network for Educational Renewal conference,” Dr. Scantling said. “She has been active in her support of the ongoing renewal of the UNK Network Partner Schools.”

Dr. Mollenkopf is an associate professor in the UNK teacher education department. With grants she has been awarded, Dr. Mollenkopf and colleagues from the teacher education department have launched an online degree completion program for early childhood education students who otherwise would not have access to a university campus.

“The results of her work will lead to better early childhood educators, who will not only use the knowledge gained to improve the learning of Nebraska’s youngest students, but also to pursue better paying teaching positions,” Dr. Scantling said. “Dr. Mollenkopf’s passion and enthusiasm for teaching and her advocacy for the Early Childhood Education program here at UNK are astounding.”