Cheryl Bressington
Human Resources director, 308.865.8388

Award-winning director and speaker Josh Gunderson will present “Hooked on Facebook: Staying Safe in the Online World” on Wednesday, Feb. 29, at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

The presentation, which will begin at 7 p.m. in the UNK Health and Sports Center, will give an in-depth look at the pros and cons of social networking on the Internet, and issues including sexting, cyber scams, identity theft and cyber bullying. The event is free and open to the public.

“Since the early 2000’s social media has changed the way we communicate and interact in the world today,” Gunderson said. “We now live in a society where our every move is broadcast to millions of people through sites like Facebook, Twitter and FourSquare with just the push of a button.

“With students sharing every waking moment with the rest of the world, they are opening themselves and their friends to a lot of trouble,” Gunderson said. “It is important that as they begin taking the steps towards the rest of their lives; one post, one picture could ruin their chances at their future career.

“For example, a 25-year-old student was denied her teaching degree from Millersville University in Pennsylvania for ‘unprofessional’ behavior,” Gunderson said. “The behavior in question was a photo on her MySpace site that showed her in a pirate costume at a Halloween party, drinking something from a plastic cup, with a photo caption reading ‘Drunken Pirate.’”

Gunderson will present “Josh’s Top 10,” which focus on steps college students can take to keep their social networking profiles as professional as possible. The highlights include pictures and status updates, privacy settings, bullying and personal information.

Gunderson is the recipient of the John Sorenson Unsung Hero Award, Salem State Special Recognition Aware and The NRHH OTM Star Award for his contributions to the Salem State community.

For more information, visit: www.joshgunderson.com.