NEWS ADVISORY: Native American Heritage Month opening event Monday (Nov. 1) 7 p.m. in Copeland Hall, Room 142.

Jenny Holen
UNK Office of Multicultural Affairs, 308.865.8127

Opening Event for Native American Heritage Month(The month of November)

Guest Speakers:  Frank LaMere and Mark Vasina

Documentary film – “The Battle for White Clay”

Monday, Nov. 1, 2010
7 p.m.
Copeland Hall,  Room 142

Frank LaMere is a member of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska.  He is a well-known social and political activist and has been recognized for his tireless efforts to empower Native people and others by building bridges and fostering understanding.

Mark Vasina is the producer of the film, “The Battle for White Clay.”

“The Battle for White Clay”

The State of Nebraska’s refusal to halt alcohol sales to the dry Pine Ridge Indian Reservation from its border town of Whiteclay gets an in-depth look in this new documentary about a century-old problem. Four off-sale beer stores in this 14-person hamlet sell over 11,000 cans of beer a day to an Indian clientele with virtually no legal place to drink it. Struggling with crippling poverty and epidemic alcohol abuse that afflicts 4 out of 5 families, the Oglala Sioux Tribe has for decades banned the sale and possession of alcohol on their reservation.

The Battle for Whiteclay follows Indian activists Frank LaMere, Duane Martin Sr. and Russell Means through the streets of Whiteclay to the halls of Nebraska’s State Capitol in their efforts to end alcohol sales in the place many have dubbed “skid row on the prairie.” Here is an inside look at an important contemporary conflict pitting American Indian rights against state and local governments in the United States.

The Battle for Whiteclay was awarded Best Political Documentary at the 2009 New York International Independent Film Festival.

Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the UNK American Democracy Project and SKINS, Student Kouncil of Intertribal Nations.

Free and open to the public.  Classes are welcome.  Free refreshments.