UNK Family Day Scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 18.

Heather Wolf
coordinator of Student Activities, Nebraskan Student Union, 308.865.839

UNK– A downtown parade and the beat of drums from the band will welcome parents to the University of Nebraska at Kearney Family Day on Saturday, Sept. 18.

Registration for Family Day will take place from 8:30-9:30 a.m. in the Nebraskan Student Union Atrium. After registration, Family Day will open with the 10 a.m. UNK Band Day Parade down Central Avenue from Railroad Street to the UNK campus.

Throughout the morning, parents have the opportunity to attend a variety of presentations, including: “Exploring the Sky,” a planetarium show in the Bruner Hall of Science; “Paying for Your University Education,” a financial aid workshop in the Fireplace Lounge, which is located in the Nebraskan Student Union; UNK Nebraskats concert at the Miriam Drake Theatre in the Fine Arts Building; and “Chemistry Spectacular,” in the Fine Arts Recital Hall.

College receptions will begin at 10:30 a.m. in the Nebraskan Student Union. Parents can join faculty and administration for coffee and conversation. The receptions, and reception locations, will include: College of Business and Technology, Cedar Room; College of Education, Sandhills Room; College of Fine Arts and Humanities, second floor balcony; College of Natural and Social Sciences, first floor foyer; College of Nursing, Room 142; and deciding students, Fireplace Lounge.

The Family Tailgate Picnic will begin at 11:15 a.m. in the Chancellor’s tent on the south end of Foster Field under the scoreboard. The Chancellor will announce the Outstanding Family at the Tailgate Picnic.

According to Heather Wolf, UNK student activities coordinator, the winning family will be hosted in the Chancellor’s sky box for the Loper football game against Mesa State. They will also receive Loper gear. In addition, the winning student will receive a $200 scholarship. Nomination forms for Outstanding Family are available at the Welcome Desk in the Nebraskan Student Union.

“Last year we had about 400-500 people attend the luncheon on Family Day,” Wolf said. “Some families attend for the Loper games, and some come for the sessions.”

UNK Pride of the Plains Marching Band, under the direction of Duane Bierman, UNK director of bands, will perform a “Pre-game Spectacular” at Cope Stadium. The Loper football team will kick off against Mesa State at 1 p.m. on Foster Field. The Lady Loper volleyball team will take the court against Adams State at 7 p.m. in the Health and Sports Center. Tickets for both athletic events can be purchased in advance by calling the Athletic Department at 308.865.1563.

Tailgate picnic prices are $6 for adults, $4 for children under 12 and $2 for UNK students with a meal plan. Tickets can be purchased when families register, whether online or by calling 308.865.8523.

The UNK priority registration date for Family Day is Friday, Sept. 10. Family members can register by calling 308.865.8523 or online at www.unk.edu/familyday.