Solo Bicycle Trip to Alaska Promotes National Student Exchange Program; Student Bicyclist will be at UNK on Saturday (May 22)

LeeAnn Amm
assistant director of Admissions, 308.865.8457

Curtis Moss, an OSU student who is bicycling to Alaska this summer to help spread the word about the National Student Exchange program for college students, will spend Friday night at an RV park in Franklin. He will bicycle on in to Kearney Saturday on Hwy 10. He will spend Saturday night in a UNK residence hall, and then will continue his trip to Alaska on Sunday. 

UNK is the only campus in Nebraska to participate in the National Student Exchange program. The program allows students to attend one of 175 participating universities or colleges across the continent (and in Hawaii) for a semester or a year. For more information on the National Student Exchange program at UNK, contact LeeAnn Amm at 308.865.8526 today. She will be out of the office Thursday and Friday of this week, and Monday of next week.

Moss will be available for media interviews in Kearney on Saturday. To arrange an interview, you can reach him on his cell phone at: 918.810.8642.

UNK- Citing a desire to inspire others to create their own adventure, Curtis Moss is on a 3,973 mile solo bicycle trip to Anchorage, Ala., this summer.

Moss is using the trip to bring attention to the National Student Exchange program, a domestic reciprocal exchange program, by stopping at several of the NSE partner institutions along the way– Wichita State University; University of Nebraska at Kearney; University of Wyoming, Laramie; Montana State University, Bozeman; University of Montana, Missoula; and finally the University of Alaska, Anchorage.

He will arrive in Kearney Saturday (May 22) and will spend Saturday night in a UNK residence hall before continuing on his trip to Alaska Sunday morning.

The Oklahoma State University (OSU) junior geography major left Stillwater, Okla., on May 15 and is spending the summer bicycling to his destination in time to catch a return flight to Tulsa on Aug. 17.

The 23-year-old joined the National Guard while a student at Claremore (Okla.) High School. After graduation and a semester at OSU, he was deployed to Iraq for two years, returning to OSU to continue his studies. He recently developed a love for cycling when he purchased his Specialized brand bicycle a year ago and began testing himself on extended trips. Having traveled extensively with his grandparents as a child, he wanted to do something different and challenging that combined his cycling interests with a desire to see the countryside.

Moss is carrying about 35 pounds of supplies and camping equipment. He plans to stop along the way to purchase whatever food he needs, do his laundry and take a shower. His travel vest will hold a camera and cell phone in addition to a GPS device. His Facebook page, “Summer2010: Ride to the Midnight Sun,” will link to his website to track his travels.

Upon completion of his bachelor degree in geography, Moss plans to travel more and learn new languages. He is considering OSU’s Master’s International Program that combines a master’s degree in International Studies with two years of Peace Corps service abroad.          

A firm believer in the benefit of travel, Moss will also encourage donations to scholarship programs through OSU’s Outreach Offices that would help students fund study abroad outside the United States.