Michael Pelster
UNK assistant director of Undergraduate Recruitment, 308.865.8435
The first group of students transferring to the University of Nebraska at Kearney for the fall semester will complete the enrollment process during Transfer Day Friday, April 24, on the campus.
“Transfer Day is a great way for students to transition into UNK,” Pelster said. “They’ll have the opportunity to meet with an adviser and register for classes.” Approximately 80 students are already registered to attend.
Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Nebraskan Student Union. During the morning, participating students will be introduced to various UNK student resources such as the UNK Card, student accounts and WebEASI. They will also participate in academic advising sessions with UNK faculty and register for their fall semester classes.
Friday will be the first of four transfer days scheduled for those students wishing to enroll at UNK for the fall semester. The remaining Transfer Days have been set for Friday, May 22; Thursday, June 18; and Thursday, July 23.