Senatorial Visits To Campus

Renee Ballenger

Three Nebraska State senators have visited or will be visiting UNK this Fall to see firsthand, recent campus developments, and to hold conversations with University administrators about pertinent issues likely to be of topic in the 2009 Legislative Session.

The agenda for each visit includes a driving-andwalking tour of current construction projects; a look inside Nester Hall and University View; a visit with Chancellor Doug Kristensen and Vice Chancellor Curt Carlson about legislative and strategic issues that may affect the University; and a working luncheon with members of the UNK Administrative Council.

Senator Tom Hansen of North Platte (District 42) visited on October 30; Senator John Wightman of Lexington (District 36) visited on November 4; and Senator Greg Adams of York (District 24) will be on campus December 9. Other area senators—those newly-elected as well as some incumbents–will be invited for similar visits in the new year.

“We are dependent upon the good will and understanding of elected members of the Unicameral,” Vice Chancellor Carlson states, “as well as the people of Nebraska, for healthy functioning as a state university. These visits are an important way to foster dialogue between UNK and our legislative representatives, especially in this new era of term limits.”