Director, Media Communications, 308.865.8454
Mahabir Pun, the 2007 Ramon Magsaysay Award Recipient for Community Leadership, will give the commencement address Friday (Dec. 21) for 385 University of Nebraska at Kearney winter graduates. (SEE SIDEBAR FOR DETAILS)
The 52-year-old Pun, who holds an undergraduate degree in physics and graduate degree in education from UNK, will tell graduates how his innovative application of wireless computer technology in Nepal has brought progress to remote mountain areas. The Ramon Magsaysay Award is described as the “Asian equivalent of a Nobel Peace Prize.” Pun is only the fourth Nepali to win the award.
UNK Chancellor Doug Kristensen will extend a welcome, confer degrees and give the closing.Two winter graduates will be featured as part of the ceremonies– Katherine Stober of Omaha will sing the National Anthem, and Melanie Spilinek of Weeping Water will present Senior Class Reflections. Special music will be provided by The Choraleers vocal group under the direction of Dr. David Bauer. Presenting greetings on behalf of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents will be Regent Kent Schroeder of Kearney. Maureen Gaffney Nickels of Chapman, president of the UNK Alumni Association, will give the alumni welcome.
For those unable to attend commencement in person, the event will be available as a Webcast. A link to the Webcast can be located at the bottom of the UNK homepage, located at, or by visiting
NOTE: Abbreviations that appear in the listings, and what they represent, are as follows:
Undergraduate Degrees:
BA – Bachelor of Arts
BAE – Bachelor of Arts in Education
BS – Bachelor of Science
BSE – Bachelor of Science in Education
BFA – Bachelor of Fine Arts
BGS – Bachelor of General Studies
Graduate Degrees:
EDS – Education Specialist
MA – Master of Arts
MAE – Master of Arts in Education
MS – Master of Science
MSE – Master of Science in Education
MBA – Master of Business Administration
NOTE: Subject abbreviations in listings include:
ADMIN, Administration; BIOL, Biology; BUS, Business; CHEM, Chemistry; COMM,
Communication; COMP, Comprehensive; CONST, Construction; DEVEL,
Development; DIST, Distribution; ECON, Economics; EDU, Education; ELEM,
Elementary; EMPH, Emphasis; END, Endorsement; ENVIR, Environmental; GEO,
Geography; INDUS, Industrial; INFO, Information; INTERP, Interpretation; MARK,
Marketing; MATH, Mathematics; MGMT, Management; MOD, Moderate; PHYS,
Physical; PROD, Production; SCI, Science; SECOND, Secondary; SCHL, School;
SOC, Social; STU, Students; SP ED, Special Education; SYS, Systems; TECH,
Technology; THEA, Theatre; TRANS, Translation; VOC, Vocational.
NOTE:HONORS. Students graduating with honors have the honors and
selected honors organizations noted after their names. Honors, along with the
grade point averages necessary to earn those honors, include: summa cum laude,
3.90-4.00; magna cum laude, 3.80-3.89; cum laude, 3.70-3.79; and honorable mention,
3.50-3.69. Honors organizations and the designations listed after students’ names
include: (H), Honors Program; (MB), Mortar Board; and (PKP) Phi Kappa Phi.