Cami Wacker
associate director of student development/retention, 308.865.8519
The names of students who have pledged social sororities this fall at the University of Nebraska at Kearney were announced today by Cami Wacker, UNK associate director of Student Development/Retention.
“We had a great recruitment week,” she said. “This year we matched our greatest number of recruitments ever, and through continuous open recruitment have exceeded that number.”
New members of Alpha Omicron Pi, listed alphabetically by hometown, include:
Bee Jodi Oborny
Bellevue Brittany Bengtson
Blair Megan Wenz
Bloomfield Becky Schainost
Chambers Alison Gottsch
Columbus Kayla Albright, Vanessa Engquist
Gibbon Lindsey Bugee, Cristal Grado
Grand Island Kate Roy
Hastings Betsy Klahn
Kearney Amanda Calleroz, Liz Gunderson, Megan Marshall, Eryn McBride,
Lindsay Allison Ruhnke
Lincoln Jennifer Smith
Omaha Ashley Vandeventer
Valley Becky Bidlack
Valentine Jami Hockenbary
Waverly Kendra Francke
Wood River Kayla Gehle, Angela Reynolds
Greeley –Amy Christensen
New members of Alpha Phi, listed alphabetically by
hometown, include:
Columbus Morgan Pillen
Deshler Faith Maschmann
Gibbon Maggie Carr, Coutney Nichols
Grand Island Courtney Zook, Nichole Blake
Hastings Brittany Davidson
Hershey Bobbi Arnett, Whittney Koch
Holdrege Nicholle Parker
KearneyKylee Adams, Megan Gohl, Jade Gunther, AshLea Millsap,
Leah Petersen, Morgan Sims, Taylor Teply, Maggie Younes
Lincoln Erin Sexton
McCook Kim Serbousek
North Platte Kristina Rupp, Jessica McWha
Ogallala Jessica Hobelman
Omaha Sara Koenig
Shelton Tara Power
Utica Morgan Kellogg
Valley Aubrey Goff
Waterloo Kristyna Engdahl
Julesburg –Aubrie Hill
New members of Chi Omega, listed alphabetically by
hometown, include:
AlbionAshley Briese
Auburn Whitney Clark
Bellevue Corrina Wright
Blue Hill Amanda Wademan
Broken Bow Sara Geiser
Central CityCourtney Jefferson
Hastings Amanda Fells
Kearney Taryn Jackowiak, Megan Jorgnesen
Lincoln Renee Murdock, Jamie Roesler, Kayla Yost, Allison Shinstock
Loup City Meghan Stukenholtz
McCook Jessica Carfield
Omaha Bev Kaiman, Katie Langenfeld, DiDi Marchio
Palmyra Brett Genuchi
Plymouth Amber Vosler
Valentine Justina Schipporeit
Littleton –Krysta Janczy
New members of Gamma Phi Beta, listed alphabetically by
hometown, include:
Alliance Brittany Dietrich, Jallyce O’Donnell
Ashland Megan Gautier
Beatrice Whitney Jurgens, Kelsey Engelman
Fairmont Abbie Cassidy
Fremont Morrow Longacre
Gering Joanna Kochenower
Gretna Sadie Fielder
Hershey Kellen Huebner
Kearney Doris Younes
Lexington Courtney Klamm
Lincoln Bridgette Gawrick, Sarah Gustafson, Paige Wiles
Meadow Grove Jill Schwarting
Morse BluffLaura Hines
North Platte Ann Maassen
Omaha Jenny Baldwin, Sam Peterson, Abby Reid, Cassie Samuelson
Palisade Jenna Britten
Paxton Maddie Holz
Sidney Sarah Belieu
Syracuse Jessica Blex
Wakefield Sara White
Westminster -Whitney Burnham
Katy – Claire Bryan