UNK Theatre Directing Class

Susan Deiger
UNK Theatre, 308.865.8406

The University of Nebraska at Kearney Theatre Directing Class will be holding student directed plays on March 6 at 3:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Studio Theatre.

The productions are the result of the first major project in the UNK Theatre Directing Class. Students are required to select a script and cut it down to a 20 to 30 minute piece for performance.

The performances are free and open to the public.

Down the Road by Lee Blessing
Erin Burgess, Blair

Seth Peterson, Lincoln
Jillian Schlake, Red Cloud
Andrew Spieker, Elgin

The Ride Down Mt. Morgan by Andrew Miller
Jill Prochaska, David City

Clark Bausch, Burchard
Derek Buckely, Lincoln
Deanna Schatz, David City
Katherine Thomas, Auborn
Shauna Warren, Elgin