Marty Teter
(308) 865-8826

IBM AS/400 and RPG training being offered this summer at the University of Nebraska at Kearney can prepare participants for employment with small-to-large-sized companies.

“The IBM AS/400 is a popular computer system for medium-to-large-sized companies, including most of the Fortune 1000 companies. Hundreds of jobs go unfilled nationwide for a lack of trained AS/400 IBM operators and programmers,” said Marty Teter, an assistant professor in the UNK Department of Computer Science and Information Systems.

Three of the courses needed to complete the program will be held at the Cabela’s Training Center in Kearney. These include AS/400 Operations and Facilities, a self-paced study, and AS/400 Control Language. Both courses will be held May 20-June 31.

The third course, RPG IV Programming, will be held from June 10-July 12. The three courses must be taken in sequence.

“This program is ideal for those who wish to retrain for an exciting career,” Teter said. “It will prepare operators and programmers to work on an IBM AS/400 in a client-server environment.”

These three courses, plus an Advanced RPG IV Projects course, are part of a new minor in Mid-Range Client-Server Application Development. The minor is an ideal match for students in any major, she said.

General summer registration for currently enrolled students begins April 26. All students must complete their registration by the first class day. For more information, contact Marty Teter at 308-865-8826.

These courses are part of the Summer Synergy 2002 offerings at UNK. Summer Synergy includes short-term classes and workshops, as well as selected special events and enrichment activities. For more information, see