UNK- Five students from the University of Nebraska at Kearney Department of Communication were selected to receive 2001 Nebraska ADDYs.

Jaci McAuliff of Ravenna, Jeremy Edelman of Seneca, Kelly Morris of Omaha, Jeremy Franklin of Wallace, and Frank Kuchera of Rose, all won in the student category of broadcast script.

McAuliff and Edelman received an ADDY for their scrip titled, “Dribbling,” which was written for Campaign for our Children.

Kuchera received both a Judge’s Special Citation trophy and a Citation of Excellence for his script titled, “Rejuvenated,” for Dodge Trucks.

A Citation of Excellence was given to Morris and Franklin for their script titled, “Think Before You Act,” which was written for Campaign for our Children.

The ADDYs are awards that are given annually to outstanding advertising-related projects. Individuals can submit their projects in the competition, which also is entered by design companies and advertising agencies in Nebraska.