Editorial by Dr. James Slate Fleming


University of Nebraska at Kearney, Associate Professor, Counseling and School Psychology

James E. Smith World Affairs Conference at UNK

Once again, The University of Nebraska at Kearney is host to the James E. Smith Midwest Conference on World Affairs. This year’s conference, EDUCATION: Change Agent for the New Millennium, is sponsored by the College of Education. Presenters from around the world will be in Kearney to speak at the Conference. The public is cordially invited to attend all Conference presentations and events.

The Conference officially opens Sunday, March 4th, 5:00 p.m., with a Holocaust Contata presented by the UNK Choraleers in the Recital Hall – Fine Arts Building; after which the International Student Association will host its Annual International Food Festival, 6:30 p.m. -Health & Sports Center. Leonard Shlain, M.D., conference keynote speaker, will deliver a visually powerful thought provoking 460 slide presentation on his most recent book, THE ALPHABET Vs THE GODDESS: The Conflict Between Word & Image, Monday evening 7:30, Drake Theatre – Fine Arts Building. Shlain’s provocative presentation provides insight into the genetic differences between the sexes with regard to how males and females process information and make choices. These differences , according to Shlain, have contributed to the surge of patriarchy and misogyny among those cultures that have adopted alphabetic form and literacy. Shlain has lectured widely throughout the world.

Beginning Monday at 9:00 a.m. Zdenka Jarabova, Czeck Republic, will discuss the education of Gypsy populations in Central Europe. Josef Jarab, Czeck Republic ; Mariuz Brymora, Poland Consulate; and, Antanas Gostautas, Lithuania will discuss Eastern European Education in Transition. Sandra and Karl Borden will present on the social and economic conditions in Eastern Europe. Monday afternoon sessions include a panel discussion with Leonard Shlain about his book Art and Physics: Parallel Vision in Space, Light, and Time. Antanas Gostautas will speak about health conditions in formally Russian occupied Lithuania, and Robert Hitchcock will speak on Education, Language and Cultural Rights in Southern Africa. Norma Berkowitz will discuss the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor incident in Russia.

On Tuesday, the final day of the conference, presentations will be given by a representative from the Embassy of Pakistan, the Consulate of India, Consulate of Israel, Consulate of Poland, a representative from the Taiwan Economic & Cultural Office, exchange teacher from China. The Montessori and Waldorf Education Philosophies and the Immersion Program will be discussed. Doug Christensen, Nebraska Commissioner of Education will also speak. Bankers, experts in European Service Delivery, the U.S. Diplomat Corps, and International Sales entrepreneurs, will discuss global career paths.

The Conference closes Tuesday evening at the Museum of Nebraska Art with a 6:30 p.m. Reception and informal discussion on Globalization with Nebraska business leaders, Stephanie Stevens, Barry Kennedy, Joseph Chapuran, and Brent Yaw.