Dr. Ruth Brown
associate professor, Department of Communication, 308-325-1111 or

Five students were recently elected officers for the University of Nebraska at Kearney Advertising and Public Relations Club (Ad/PR Club).

Those elected will be installed as new officers for the 2007-2008 year on Wednesday, April 25, during the last club meeting of this academic year.

New officers for Ad/PR Club are listed below with their hometowns and respective positions:

President:  Sharice Ward, Malcolm
Vice President Membership & Fundraising:  Rebecca Osborne, Atkinson
Vice President Public Relations:  Matt Ringen, Fairbury
Vice President Finance:  Eric Korth, Hastings
Vice President Special Projects: Lisa Elson, Curtis

Dr. Ruth Brown, associate professor of communication and adviser of Ad/PR Club, said the organization exists to promote a better understanding of the functions of advertising and public relations; to apply the skills, creativity and energy of those fields to help solve social problems; to facilitate mutually beneficial association between professionals and students; to develop the individual abilities of its members; and to promote fellowship and the free exchange of ideas.

Ad/PR Club is affiliated with the American Advertising Federation and is open to students interested in advertising or public relations as a career.