Gordon Brooks Named Safety Center Director

Glennis Nagel

Gordon BrooksGordon Brooks has been named director of the Nebraska Safety Center. He replaces Dr. Darrel Jensen, who retired in December.

Brooks comes to UNK from Pocatello, Idaho, where he was director of the Center for Business Services and assistant dean for Graduate Programs at Idaho State University. Before joining the administrative team in Idaho, he was the president and founder of Long Pine Continuing Education Center in Long Pine, Neb.

In addition, he has extensive military experience. He holds a Class “T” commercial driver’s license and is an instrument rated pilot, certified military analyst through Northrop Grumman Information Technologies, a grade 5 certified water operator in Nebraska, as well as being certified to airlift USAF hazardous materials.

He has a B.S. from the University of California at Davis and an MBA from Idaho State University, where he was recognized for being an outstanding MBA graduate. He begins his duties with the safety center on Monday, Jan. 29.