Science Festival includes stem cell, beer brewing presentations


KEARNEY – Stem cell research and the science of brewing beer will be the focus of two separate presentations when the Nebraska Science Festival comes to the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

C-Randal-Mills-webIn its third year, the festival presented by the University of Nebraska Medical Center includes events in 11 Nebraska cities covering nine days. It promotes science literacy.

Dr. C. Randal Mills, president and chief executive officer of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, is presenting a lunch and learn titled “The Impact of Investing in Stem Cell Research: California’s Story” at noon April 14 at the UNK Alumni House, 2222 Ninth Ave.

The talk, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures.

Mills previously served as CEO of Osiris Therapeutics. Under Mills’ leadership, Osiris developed the world’s first approval stem cell drug to treat children suffering from graft versus host disease, an often fatal side effect of a bone marrow transplant.

Mills is a founding member of University of Florida Tissue Bank and currently serves as Chairman of Tissue Banks International, the largest provider of ocular tissue for vision restoration. He also serves on the Board of the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine and the Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine Advisory Board.


The Nebraska Science Festival also features “The Science of Beer” from 6 to 8 p.m. April 17 at the UNK Alumni House.

Sponsored by Sigma Xi, the event will introduce the science of brewing and provide insights into what provides the wide variety of flavors found in different beer styles. An overview of brewing, from grain to pint-glass, will be presented including malting, mashing, wort boil, fermentation and conditioning.

Participants will be guided through a tasting, demonstrating the variety of flavors contributed by hops, yeast and malt.

“The Science of Beer” is limited to participants age 21 or older, and valid identification must be presented at the door. The cost is $10 per person, collected at the event. Space is limited to 40 participants.

Each guest wanting to attend must RSVP at

The Nebraska Science Festival is a collaboration of organizations and individuals interested in the advancement of science literacy. The Science Festival is designed to make science accessible, interactive, relevant and fun for kids and adults alike. In addition to UNMC, other sponsors, to date, include Nebraska Medicine, the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, Metro Credit Union, HDR, West Corporation and media sponsors KETV and the Omaha World-Herald.
Find the entire festival schedule at:


Writer: Todd Gottula, Director of Communications, 308.865.8454,
Contact: Kimberly A. Carlson, Assistant Chair Biology Department, 308-865-1554