Ask an Antelope: Brad Green makes college planning a painless process

Brad Green’s last name perfectly represents his role as associate director of financial aid, but the two-time Loper graduate and 16-year UNK employee bleeds blue and gold.

The Grand Island native graduated from UNK with a bachelor’s degree in history and special education and later a master’s degree in student affairs.

As a student he worked as a campus tour guide in the Admissions Office from 2007-11, then immediately joined the professional staff as an admissions counselor. From 2013-22, he served as assistant, associate and interim director of admissions. Green briefly left UNK in 2022, but came back in September to serve in his current role.

Why did you decide to work at UNK?
I first started at UNK because I wanted to help students figure out what they wanted to do after high school; whether that was work, military or college. I wanted to help students realize that a college degree was possible and UNK would be a place that helped them achieve their goals. In 2022, I left the university to explore the private sector, working as an enrollment management consultant, but I missed the interactions with students and staff here on campus so I was fortunate enough to be able to come back.

How do you serve students as associate director of financial aid?
I currently work with students with last names starting with W-Z as well as our Kearney Bound students, student-athletes and Nebraska Career Scholarship recipients. I also help with our communications, making sure students fully understand their financial aid offer. Paying for college can cause a lot of stress for students and families, so it is my goal to make sure students understand all the options they have available to them.

What advice do you have for parents and students who are preparing for college?
I advise families to have open and honest conversations about who will be paying for college, as early as possible. I also tell students to fill out scholarship applications like a part-time job. Students should apply for as many scholarship opportunities as possible.

How does UNK Financial Aid set students up for success?
We try to make sure students are set up for success in the long term by helping them understand all their options to help cover their expenses. We want students to view our office as helpful, not scary.

What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?
I love my job because each day I get to do something rewarding and challenging. When students and families leave my office, it is my hope that we have laid out a plan for how they can finance their college experience and answer all their questions.

What do you love most about UNK?
UNK is a second home for me. I met my wife because of UNK, our kids go to the Plambeck Center and I have met some of my best friends on campus. The staff here are truly student-centric and that is the way it should be.

Share a fun fact about yourself:
In 16 years, I have given campus tours to more than 15,000 people – and only fallen one time due to walking backward while it was icy.

“Ask an Antelope” is a Q&A series highlighting UNK faculty and staff and their impact on the campus and community.