Social work majors use scavenger hunt to learn more about poverty, Kearney resources

Assistant Professor, Social Work

KEARNEY – Graduating social work majors at the University of Nebraska at Kearney recently participated in the first-ever community scavenger hunt.

The class was split up into two teams. Each team was presented a case scenario that a family in poverty may face. Students had to identify potential community resources and then go out and actually visit the agencies.

UNK students visited the following locations: Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska, Crossroads Center Rescue Mission, Nebraska Vocational Rehab, Buffalo County Community Partners, Nebraska Aids Project, Kearney Jubilee Center, S.A.F.E. Center and South Central Nebraska Area Agency on Aging.

Students sorted clothes and served and cleaned up after lunch at Crossroads.

Students said actually going to the various agencies made a deeper impact on their learning and helped them see more clearly the challenges associated with being in poverty.