UNK Communications
KEARNEY – The University of Nebraska at Kearney soon will be offering its first doctoral degree program – an educational administration doctorate.
UNK’s Department of Educational Administration and University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Educational Administration are offering a joint doctorate program.
“It really expands what UNK is doing as a university. Hopefully it opens doors for other departments as well,” said Dick Meyer, associate professor and chair of educational administration.
The program – pending approval by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents – is designed for students who want to obtain a superintendent endorsement from the Nebraska Department of Education while also earning an educational doctorate.
Graduates from the program will be equipped to work in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in superintendent and associate superintendent roles.
“It’s great for this part of the state. It allows our students to be able to get their doctorate online. We have so many students in rural areas of Nebraska. This gives them access to a doctoral program,” Meyer said.
There is currently a need for school leaders with superintendent endorsements in Nebraska. Many school superintendent positions are filled with educators from out of state or with retired educators serving in an interim role.
Students will take 21 credit hours, which are all offered online, through UNK. These classes include administrative theory, school and community relations, and public school finance. Students will then take three weeklong face-to-face summer classes at UNL followed by online research classes and dissertation hours through UNL.
No new courses will need to be created for the degree, and no new faculty will need to be hired, Meyer said.
“We’re really excited, and excited to see the impact it has on our other programs as well,” he said.
UNK currently offers an Educational Specialist degree for PK-12 school superintendents, and UNL offers an educational doctorate in school leadership.
Writer: Sara Giboney, 308.865.8529, giboneys2@unk.edu
Source: Dick Meyer, 308.865.8844, meyerdc@unk.edu