Perez-Zamarripa to present student research on Capitol Hill

Stefani-Perez-Zamarripa-WebKEARNEY – University of Nebraska at Kearney student Stefani Perez-Zamarripa has been selected to present her research at the prestigious Posters on the Hill conference, sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research.

A junior political science major From Lexington, Perez-Zamarripa will present her work “Home is Where the Social Capital Is: An Analysis of Post-emigration Community Ties,” to members of Congress and Capitol Hill staff April 22-23.

Posters on the Hill was created to help policymakers understand the value and importance of undergraduates doing original scholarly work.

Perez-Zamarripa was one of only 60 students selected from more than 500 applications.

“Policymakers are invited to attend the poster session and talk to students about their experiences. This is an effort that has been going on for more than a decade,” said John Falconer, director of the UNK Honors Program. “They are interested in high quality projects that have particular public value.”

The mission of the Council on Undergraduate Research is to support and promote high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship.


Writer: Todd Gottula, Director of Communications, 308.865.8454,
Contact: Diane Duffin, Department of Political Science, 308-865-8758,

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