Ebola, emergency preparedness expert Sharon Medcalf to speak in Kearney

Sharon Medcalf copyKEARNEY – Ebola and emergency preparedness expert Dr. Sharon Medcalf will speak in Kearney about the symptoms, treatment, origins and transmission of Ebola, Nebraska’s biocontainment unit and more.

Medcalf, assistant professor in the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s College of Public Health, will present “An Overview of Ebola” at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 19 at Cunningham’s Journal in Kearney, 15 W. 23rd St.

The talk is presented by the University of Nebraska at Kearney Chapter of Sigma Xi’s Science Café program. It is free and open to the public.

Medcalf is co-director of the Center for Biosecurity, Biopreparedness and Emerging Infectious Disease at UNMC, which houses the Center for Preparedness Education – a state and regional training center for emergency preparedness and response.

Medcalf has 15 years of acute care nursing experience that includes being a member of an air and ground transport emergency team. Her research interests are in hospital preparedness, community medical surge, and smallpox vaccination of laboratory workers.

Medcalf is also UNMC’s program director for the Master of Science program in emergency preparedness, the first graduate program in the region with a focus on public health and medical response to a disaster.

The Science Café is sponsored by the UNK Chapter of Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society, a non-profit membership society of scientists and engineers whose research spans the spectrum of science and technology. Sigma Xi chapters sponsor Science Cafés, informal presentations across the globe – often in a pub or coffee shop.


Writer: Todd Gottula, Director of Communications, 308.865.8454, gottulatm@unk.edu