UNK faculty Kastello, Fronczak win Art Education Awards

John Fronczak 2 Lisa Kastello 2KEARNEY – Three University of Nebraska at Kearney faculty were recently honored with 2014-15 Art Education Awards from the Nebraska Art Teachers Association.

Each year NATA recognizes outstanding contributions to student learning in Nebraska classrooms, leadership in curriculum and staff development in local school districts and communities, and contributions to professional endeavors on state and national levels.

Lisa Kastello, UNK assistant professor of art and art history, was named the Nebraska Outstanding Art Educator of the Year.

UNK’s John Fronczak, senior lecturer of art and art history, was recognized with the Prism Award, given for service by non-art educators.

Stephanie Baer, who formerly taught in the Master of Arts in Education program, received the award for Higher Education Art Educator of the Year. Baer now teaches at Miami University of Ohio.

The awards were presented at the NATA fall conference Sept. 26-27 in Aurora.

ABOUT Nebraska Art Teachers Association
NATA is a professional organization whose mission is to develop and promote quality art education in Nebraska through a statewide professional support system, with opportunities for growth and development through leadership and service.


Writer: Todd Gottula, Director of Communications, 308.865.8454, gottulatm@unk.edu
Contact: Lynette Fast, Nebraska Art Teachers Association, 402.318.8517, NATApresident@gmail.com