Water for Food poster competition is open

WFF2014_PosterComp_FBgraphicThe 2014 Water for Food Global Conference poster competition is open for graduate students who wish to present their research on potential solutions for ensuring a water and food secure world.

Participants must submit a 250-word abstract by July 15 to be considered for the competition.

In keeping with the conference theme, “Harnessing the Data Revolution to Ensure Water and Food Security from Field to Global Scales,” we are calling for posters in the following categories:

  • Data from field to global scales
  • Yield gaps and water productivity
  • Innovations in data systems
  • Data to better understand climate systems
  • Water, food and health
  • Economic and policy dimensions of Water for Food
  • General topics related to Water for Food

Graduate students have three opportunities to compete: an online competition prior to the conference and two on-site competitions at the conference. The online poster competition provides an excellent opportunity for students around the globe to be engaged in the event even if they are unable to attend in person. Details about the on-site competitions will be outlined in more detail in July.

The Water for Food Conference poster committee will review the abstracts and notify presenters of their acceptance via email by Aug. 1. If accepted, an electronic (.pdf) copy of the poster is due by September 1.

Faculty and university partners may also display posters, but are not eligible for the competition.

For more details on the submission guidelines, prizes and deadlines, phone 402-472-5317 or visit http://waterforfood.nebraska.edu/wff2014/poster-competitions/

About the conference
The 2014 Water for Food Global Conference, hosted by the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will bring together experts from around the world to explore how the data revolution can help address the pressing need for global water and food security. The conference will focus specifically on how data can improve the productivity and sustainability of small and large farmers. “Harnessing the Data Revolution: Ensuring Water and Food Security from Field to Global Scales” will be Oct. 19-22 at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue in Seattle, Wash.  For more information, visit http://waterforfood.nebraska.edu/wff2014/.


Contact: Dana Ludvik, dludvik@nebraska.edu, (402) 472-9510