UNK names New Student Enrollment leaders for 2014

New Student Enrollment leaders at UNK this summer include, front row (left to right) John Gibbs, Tony Munch, Shelby Rust, Sergio Ceja, Heidi Hostert, Haley Allen, Carly Wollman and Madison Doughty. (Photo by Corbey R. Dorsey/UNK Communications)
New Student Enrollment leaders at UNK this summer include, front row (left to right) John Gibbs, Tony Munch, Shelby Rust, Sergio Ceja, Heidi Hostert, Haley Allen, Carly Wollman and Madison Doughty. (Photo by Corbey R. Dorsey/UNK Communications)

Meet with incoming freshmen, parents May 19 to June 26

KEARNEY – Eight student leaders at the University of Nebraska at Kearney will lead UNK’s New Student Enrollment May 19 to June 26.

The students were selected for their scholarship, communication ability, leadership and ability to represent their colleges to new incoming UNK freshmen and their parents.

All new first-year students planning to attend UNK are required to attend a New Student Enrollment Day. Students and families get the opportunity to learn about all the services available at UNK, meet with faculty and staff from across campus and register for classes.

Questions and signup can be found at www.unk.edu/nse or by calling Admissions at 1-800-KEARNEY. New Student Enrollment Dates are: May 19-21, 28-29 and 29-30; June 2-5, 9-12, 16-18 and 23-26.

UNK’s NSE leaders for 2014 (listed by hometown), their majors and expected dates of graduation are:

Gretna Shelby Rust, International Studies, spring 2016

Kearney Tony Munch, Bio-Chemistry, spring 2015

Lexington Sergio Ceja, Elementary Education and Special Education, spring 2016

LincolnJohn Gibbs, Sports Administration, fall 2015;

North Platte Madison Doughty, Business Administration, fall 2015

Omaha Haley Allen, Music Education, fall 2015; Carly Wollman, Communication Disorders, spring 2015

O’Neill Heidi Hostert, Exercise Science, fall 2015


Writer: Todd Gottula, 308.865.8454, gottulatm@unk.edu
Contact: Dusty Newton, Admissions Director, 308.865.8702, newtond@unk.edu