Fireside Chat invites participants to express ideas on environmental issues

UNK Communications

KEARNEY – “Conversation Jam on Environmental Issues” is the topic for the Fireside Chat at the University of Nebraska at Kearney on Friday (Feb. 7).

Fireside Chats, which are free and open to the public, take place from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge of the Nebraskan Student Union on the first Friday of the month. The discussion is facilitated by Peter Longo, UNK professor of political science.

Issues such as a chemical spill poisoning drinking water in West Virginia, freakish weather resulting from a “polar vortex,” an oil boom in North Dakota pumping almost a million barrels a day, a United Nations report warning of the rising economic costs of climate change, the continuing saga of the Keystone XL pipeline and more continue to cause concern for the environment.

In this Fireside Chat, the audience controls the discussion. Anyone with something to say will have one minute at the microphone before passing it onto the next participant.

In the process, the group will explore numerous perspectives on environmental policy and politics and learn from one another.

Participants are welcome to bring their lunch.

Source: Diane Duffin, 308.865.8758,
Writer: Sara Giboney, 308.865.8529,


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