FROM THE CHANCELLOR: Kristensen statement on James Milliken


University of Nebraska at Kearney Chancellor Doug Kristensen issued the following statement to the UNK community following the announcement that NU President James Milliken has accepted a position at City University of New York:

“I write today regarding the announcement that NU President Milliken has accepted a new appointment as the seventh chancellor of City University of New York. President Milliken has provided innovative leadership for the University of Nebraska and has been a collaborative and supportive champion of UNK’s unique mission and contribution to the system, state and region. For these reasons, his departure is clearly a loss. At the same time, as a friend and colleague, I am pleased for him. He has earned a reputation as a leader in higher education, and this opportunity will allow him to serve the largest urban university system in the country.

“Change is frequently challenging, accompanied by a degree of ‘unknown’ and, therefore, some feeling of uncertainty. I am optimistic, however, because President Milliken has helped position UNK and NU well looking to the future.”

Douglas A. Kristensen, J.D.

To see the full press announcement on President Milliken’s departure, click here:


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