Shawn Kaskie
Center for Rural Research and Development director, 308.865.8135

The deadline for the Central Nebraska Business Idea Contest sponsored by the Center for Rural Research and Development at the University of Nebraska at Kearney is Sunday, Oct. 28, by midnight.

“Your business idea does not have to be a fully-thought-out business model, just a description of the product or service, what need it serves, who your customers might be and how you would make it available to those customers,” said Shawn Kaskie, director for the UNK Center for Rural Research and Development. There is no age limit for contestants.

“To enter, simply submit a two-minute video of you pitching your idea, post in onto YouTube and paste the URL at http://www.pitchburner.com/unk,” Kaskie said. “If you are in need of video equipment, stop by the CRRD on the UNK campus, and you can film your pitch at our office.

Further information on where and how to submit the video is available on the CRRD website: www.unk.edu/crrd.

The top 10 participants will be invited to present in a five-minute question and answer session at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at KRave Underground, 2202 Central Ave. in downtown Kearney.

“The crowd will select the ‘best’ and will award first place the $1,000 prize, and second place will receive $500,” Kaskie said.

The event is sponsored by the Economic Development Council of Buffalo County and the Center for Research and Development in the UNK College of Business and Technology. More details are available at: www.unk.edu/crrd.