Dr. Sri Seshadri
UNK professor in the Department of Marketing and Management Information Systems, 308.865.8190 or seshadris@unk.edu

For the second year in a row, the Learning by Giving Foundation has awarded a $10,000 grant for students at the University of Nebraska at Kearney to make grants to local nonprofit organizations.

Students participating in the UNK Field Experience in Marketing (MKT 395) course, mentored by Dr. Sri Seshadri, UNK professor in the Department of Marketing and Management Information Systems, will review applications from Buffalo County nonprofit programs for children and determine where to distribute grant funds. The Learning by Giving Foundation was established by Doris Buffett, sister of Warren Buffett.

“Our focus will be to grant funds to nonprofit groups that benefit children below high-school level within Buffalo County,” Dr. Seshadri said.

Applications are available at: http://www.unk.edu/academics/marketing/Marketing__MIS/ or by contacting Dr. Seshadri at seshadris@unk.edu or 308.865.8190.

The application deadline is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24. Applications can be sent by e-mail, regular mail (postmarked Oct. 24 or before) or in person to Room 137C in the West Center building on the UNK campus. Award recipients will be notified by Monday, Nov. 19.

This fall, the Learning by Giving Foundation has awarded UNK grants for 2012, 2013 and 2014. UNK is one of only eight campuses in the nation to receive funding in the fall from the foundation to distribute to local nonprofit organizations. The other campuses include: Cornell University, Boston College, Brandeis University, Northeastern University, McMaster University, University of Mary Washington and University of Southern California.

“We are indeed fortunate to have the financial backing of the Learning by Giving Foundation,” Dr. Seshadri said. “It would have been very hard for students to learn to be engaged in philanthropy in the abstract. This opportunity affords students the hands-on engagement in philanthropy that will result in deeper learning of the needs of a community, and the issues and challenges in strategic giving.

“My hope is that students in the class will become engaged in philanthropy on a consistent basis throughout their lives, whether be with their money, time or talents, and become ambassadors to get other students to commit to philanthropy,” he said.

Students in the class include:


Central City – Andrew Gilg

Chambers – Katelyn Gottsch

Elkhorn – Samantha Seina

Kearney – Jacobi Goodell

Kearney – Lacey Williams

Schuyler – Joshua Pycha

South Korea

Jeonju City – Enbyul Kim

Seoul – Hyeyeon Kim

KGFW’s Steve Altmaier interviews Samantha Seina and Josh Pycha on Talk of the Town,

NTV’s Nina Harrelson interviews Enbyul (Elin) Kim, Andy Gilg  and Dr. Sri Seshadri.