Dr. Gene Fendt
department of philosophy professor, fendtg@unk.edu or 308.865.8298
“Truth in Science, Religion and the Literal Reading of the Bible” will be the subject of a presentation Thursday, Sept. 20, at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Dr. Gene Fendt, a professor and the Albertus Magnus Chair in Philosophy at UNK, will give the presentation at 7:30 p.m. on Copeland Hall, Room 142. The presentation, which is being co-sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor and the Office of Academic and Student Affairs, is free and open to the public.
“Albert was well known in his day for bringing the knowledge of the ancients (in his case, Aristotle) to bear on contemporary issues, and showing how solutions to difficult present day problems could be seen through the light of older wisdom,” Dr. Fendt said, adding that he will open the lecture “…by taking up two contemporary ideas—that science and religion are at war and the idea of evolutionary biologist Stephen J. Gould that religion and science are ‘non-overlapping magisteria.’
“I will show how Augustine’s view of the relation is distinct from both of these and offer some ideas about how to read Scripture literally, even in our time.” Dr. Fendt said.
Dr. Fendt has been a member of the Department of Philosophy faculty for the past 25 years.