Alison Hedge Coke
Reynolds Endowed Chair, 308.865.8672

Poet, translator and essayist Miles Waggener will read from his work as a part of the University of Nebraska at Kearney fall Reynolds Series.

Waggener, winner of the Washington Prize, will speak at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27, at the Museum of Nebraska Art, which is located at 2401 Central Avenue.

His work has appeared in “Third Coast,” “Indiana Review,” “The Pinch,” “Redivider,” “Gulf Coast,” “New Poets of the American West,” “Helen Burns Poetry Anthology: New Voices from the Academy of American Poets’ University and College Prizes, 1999-2008” and “Verse Daily.”

He won an individual creative writing fellowship from the Arizona Commission on the Arts in 2003 and a prize from the Academy of American Poets at the University of Montana.

Waggener currently is an associate professor in the Writer’s Workshop at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He previously taught creative writing and Latin American literature at Prescott College in Arizona.

Waggener is speaking as a part of the fall 2011 Reynolds Series, which features writers from across the United States. The final presenter this fall will be Joy Harjo on Tuesday, Nov. 15.  Winners of the Reynolds Poetry and Creative Writing Scholarship will present their work on Wednesday, Nov. 16.