Curt Carlson
Vice Chancellor for University Relations, 308.865.8529

University of Nebraska at Kearney Chancellor Doug Kristensen today announced a fall enrollment at UNK of 7,100 students, the highest headcount in 14 years and the highest rate (5.1 percent) of increase in at least 20 years.

Among the increases are a 23 percent jump over last fall in students transferring from other universities, a 16.3 percent increase in online enrollment and an 8.8 percent increase in students from outside Nebraska. Further, students are enrolled from all 93 Nebraska counties, 49 states (only Rhode Island is missing) and 53 countries.

“Enrollment this year is another indicator that UNK is moving forward in quality and reputation,” Chancellor Kristensen said. “Students are recognizing the changes taking place at UNK, and they want to be part of a top university.”

Not only does fall enrollment reflect an increase in the number of students, the ACT scores of the incoming class have improved as well. The average ACT of this year’s incoming class is a record-breaking 22.7, and for the 155 first-time Honors program students, the average ACT is 28.3, also holding at historically high levels.

“Even though our first-time freshmen numbers are down by a small margin this year (after a 15% increase last year), freshmen numbers in total are the highest we have seen since 2004,” said Dusty Newton, director of Undergraduate Admissions.

Mirroring the headcount numbers, student credit hours have also increased— 4.7 percent in undergraduate hours and 1.3 percent for graduate students. Total student credit hours are at 80,737, the highest in at least a decade. Credit hour numbers are up in all four of the academic colleges, as well as in the Graduate School.

“The high student credit hour numbers are indicative of the very significant investment our faculty makes in what we do best at UNK, high quality teaching,” said Dr. Charles J. Bicak, senior vice chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. “This is obviously well known across the state of Nebraska and beyond.”

In minority student growth, Hispanic students lead the way with a record 93 students in the incoming freshmen class. The number of international students increased by 4 percent to 481. The total non-resident student population is at an all-time high of 1,391.

“We have made great efforts over a period of years to advance academically at UNK, to renew our campus, and to cement the partnership with Kearney that has been so beneficial for our students,” Chancellor Kristensen said. “Underneath the statistics, there’s a lot to be proud of here.”

University of Nebraska at Kearney
Headcount Enrollment
Fall Semester
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Undergraduate 5,183 5,104 5,031 5,162 5,442
Graduate 1,295 1,439 1,619 1,591 1,658
First-time Freshmen 996 1,045 983 1,132 1,074
Undergraduate Transfers 310 292 334 335 413
Non-Resident Alien (International) 494 599 529 462 481
Non-Resident (Includes Out-of-State and Non-Resident Alien) 1,083 1,214 1,212 1,279 1,391
Total Enrollment 6,478 6,543 6,650 6,753 7,100
Number of states represented in enrollment 45 47 47 49 49
Number of countries represented in enrollment 46 49 46 50 53
SOURCE: UNK Institutional Research Factbook