Sharon Pelc
Nebraskan Student Union director, 308.865.8523

A senior political science major from Morrill and a junior music education major from Kearney have been elected student body president and vice president, respectively, at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, along with 14 newly elected Student Senate members.

Jordan Gonzales is the newly elected UNK student body president and student regent. The student body president serves as the official student body representative to the University of Nebraska administration and the public. The president has the power to pass or veto legislation passed by the Student Senate and also serves as a student member of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.

Paloma Mena-Werth is the newly elected student body vice president. The student body vice president serves as the second-highest student body official and representative to the University of Nebraska administration and the public. The vice president has the power to lead the Student Senate in the absence of the speaker of the senate, sit as member of the UNK Faculty Senate and chairs the Presidential Executive Cabinet.

Gonzales and Mena-Werth will take office after the Student Government inauguration on April 5, and will serve until April of 2012. Gonzales is the son of Lupe and Josie Gonzales of Morrill, and Mena-Werth is the daughter of Dr. Jose and Jenny Mena-Werth of Kearney.

In addition, 14 UNK students were elected to the Student Senate. The Student Senate is the legislature for the student body, and students are elected from each of the academic colleges at UNK. The Student Senate has the power to pass legislation for the campus, approve new student organizations, appoint student representatives to UNK Faculty Senate and other administrative committees, and perform any other duties concerning student issues of concern.

UNK students appointed to the senate are listed below, alphabetically by hometown, along with their respective UNK College:

ANSELMO– Michael Christen, College of Natural and Social Sciences
AURORA– Kiley Dibbern, College of Fine Arts and Humanities
DAWSON– Hannah Harmon, College of Education
ELBA– Jed Dush, College of Natural and Social Sciences
HARTINGTON– Jordan Rehnstrom, College of Business and Technology
– Benjamin Loschen, University College
MORRILL– Kasey Dietz, College of Business and Technology
NORTH PLATTE– Richard Poppe, University College
PAPILLION– Michael Florance, College of Business and Technology
SCOTTSBLUFF– Adriana Bautista, College of Natural and Social Sciences
SEWARD– Kenneth Stratton, College of Fine Arts and Humanities
WOOD RIVER– Abbie Davis, College of Business and Technology


OBERLIN– Kenzie Fisher, College of Natural and Social Sciences
– Kady Malmberg, College of Education