Sarah Jones
Educational Program coordinator, 308.865.8284

Ella Frank’s wedding dress from 1884 is the inspiration for the University of Nebraska at Kearney Frank House program on Saturday, Feb. 26, titled Courting and Weddings in the Victorian Era.

Jocelyn Conway, a UNK freshman math education major fromOsborne, Kan., will present her research on marital traditions in the Victorian age.

“The topic was prompted by a Frank family artifact,” said Sarah Jones, Frank House director. “Ella Frank’s wedding dress is now part of the Frank House collection.”

According to Jones, Ella Stedman married George William Frank, the architect of the Frank House, in 1884. Her wedding gown was in the Frank family until it was donated to the historic textile collection at Cornell University. The Frank House received the gown in 2009.

The program will begin at 1:30 p.m. at the UNK Frank House, which is located on the UNK West Campus. The program is free and open to the public; however, donations to the Frank House are always accepted.

After Conway’s research presentation, a tour of the Frank House will be given at 2:30 p.m., followed by the movie “The Young Victoria” at 3 p.m. “The Young Victoria” is the story of the courtship of Queen Victoria of England and Prince Albert.

Courting and Weddings in the Victorian Era is one in a series of Saturdays at the Frank House presentations. For more information on Saturdays at the Frank House events, visit: