Junior Friends of the Frank House Informational Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 26.

Paula Nesiba
AmeriCorp volunteer coordinator for the Frank House, 308.293.1116 or enesiba2004@charter.net

UNK– Junior Friends of the Frank House, a new group being organized in conjunction with the Frank House, will be the focus of an informational meeting for youth and their parents on Tuesday, Jan. 26.

Junior Friends of the Frank House, made up of youth ages 10-16, will serve as hosts for Frank House events and other activities.

The informational session, which will take place from 3:30-5 p.m., will be held at the Frank House, which is located on the University of Nebraska at Kearney West Campus. For more information, contact Paula Nesiba at 308.293.1116 orenesiba2004@charter.net.

“The Frank House Director KrisAnn Sullivan and I thought it would be good to have a club for younger people to give them an opportunity to be involved with the Frank House,” said Paula Nesiba, AmeriCorp volunteer coordinator for the Frank House.

“This is a great opportunity for younger people to learn about their local history by working in a historical building and meeting other kids,” Nesiba said. “The club’s first activity will be decorating Easter eggs with younger children and hosting an Easter egg hunt in April.”

Members will also help with other Frank House events, such as the annual Titanic-themed dinner, and eventually will be taught how to give tours to their school-aged peers.