Dr. Roger Davis
professor of history, 308.865.8771
UNK– University of Nebraska at Kearney Chancellor Doug Kristensen will be the featured speaker for the Constitution Day observance Thursday, Sept. 17, on the campus.
The event, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 6:30 p.m. in Copeland Hall Room 142. Chancellor Kristensen will present “The Constitution Closest to You: The Nebraska Constitution.”
Constitution Day celebrates the 222nd anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution, which was signed Sept. 17, 1787. Constitution Day is promoted by the National Constitution Center and supported by the Annenberg Foundation. For more information, visit www.constitutioncenter.org.
The Constitution Day observance on the campus is sponsored by Phi Alpha Theta, history honor society. Dr. Roger Davis, professor of history, is the organization adviser.
Phi Alpha Theta officers are listed alphabetically by hometown:
Kearney– Steve Warren, vice president.
Maxwell– Ruth Christensen, secretary.
Kenesaw– Lacey Mayfield-Mack, historian.
Rapid City– Kelli Cavenah, president.