High School Students Getting the College Edge

Glennis Nagel

High school students can get a jumpstart on their college education through the College Edge, a new early admission program which is being administered by Kimra Schipporeit, director of Student Records/Registration.

“The College Edge is designed for high school students who would like to take a college class to get a jumpstart on their college career or simply to explore academic offerings that may not be available in their high school,” Schipporeit said, adding that students may select any UNK class for which they are qualified.

“For some classes, it is a matter of meeting prerequisites,” she said. Students can contact the department for placement information. This semester, 12 high school students are enrolled; last fall, 26 students were. The largest enrollments are in calculus, expository writing and general psychology.

“The best thing is that tuition is reduced to two-thirds of the regular undergraduate rate ($85), and all term-based fees are waived,” Schipporeit said. The $85 rate is based on the current tuition costs and is correct for the spring and summer semester. Tuition rates for next fall have not been set, so the rate for the fall semester is yet to be determined.

To get started in the program, high school students need to:

• Contact their guidance counselor for a letter of recommendation

• Complete an admission form online at http://webeasi.UNK.edu or call 1-800-KEARNEY to have an admission form sent to them, and pay the $45 application fee

• If they are interested in a math course, contact the math department 308 -865 -8531 for placement guidelines

• After being accepted, register for the course(s) on Web EASI at http://webeasi.UNK.edu Call the Office of the Registrar at 308 -865 -8527 for registration assistance.

• Order their textbook(s) from the Antelope Bookstore at www.antelopebook.com “We will be marketing some specific classes through video learning, allowing faculty to teach a class on campus and offer it to students off site as well,” Schipporeit said.

“In those cases, delivery is different in an attempt to reach out to area high school students who are unable to come to campus for a class. For some of the smaller high schools around, it may be difficult to offer the higher level classes that their students want or need.”

College Edge students may enroll for a maximum of six hours per semester and a total of 16 semester hours before completion of their high school requirements.”

“To check out the courses that are being offered for the summer or fall, students can go to http://webeasi.UNK.edu and choose the ‘List of Classes Search’ link then select the subjects or courses of interest to them,” Schipporeit said.