Cindy Shultz
R.N., M.S.N., FNP-C, associate director for Counseling and Health Care, 308.865.8218
UNK- While officials at the University of Nebraska at Kearney continue to wait for final culture results on a student who recently became ill with a potential case of tuberculosis, all four students close to him have been cleared.
“Two roommates, a study partner and a good friend have been tested,” said Cindy Shultz, FNP-C, UNK associate director of Counseling and Health Care. “None of them had any evidence of active tuberculosis on their x rays, and further evaluation was not indicated.”
“The student who was ill is following up with his physicians,” she said. “He is doing well. We hope he will be able to return to classes soon.”
Since first becoming ill in late March, the student has remained in isolation in his off-campus apartment. He will have to complete a series of diagnostic tests before he can come out of isolation. The student will not be able to return to classes until he has been given a signed release from his physician.
As soon as the campus was informed that there was a student with a potential case of TB, recommended health measures were undertaken immediately. Representatives from Two-Rivers Public Health Department in Holdrege were contacted, as was Dr. Safranek at the Department of Health and Human Services.