Concerts-On-The-Platte, Dr. Ting-lan Chen, violin, and Dr. Nathan Buckner, piano Thursday, March 12, 7:30 p.m

Dr. Valerie Cisler professor and chair, Department of Music and Performing Arts, 308.865.8118 University of Nebraska…

Frank Talks Series This Saturday(March 7) Covers Presentations Regarding the Design and Construction of the m

KrisAnn Sullivan Frank House director, 308.865.8284 OR UNK- The design and construction of the Frank…

An Evening of Concert Dance 2009 Friday and Saturday, Marh 6 and 7, 7:30 p.m. at UNK Miriam Drake Theatre

Dr. Valerie Cisler professor and chair, Department of Music and Performing Arts, 308.865.8118 University of Nebraska…

Spectacular Chemistry Demonstration Today

Dr. Annette Moser UNK Department of Chemistry, Bruner Hall of Science, 308.865.8802 The University of Nebraska…