Fourth Graders from Area Schools to Attend Early Awareness Day

Anne McConkey
student counselor, UNK Office of Financial Aid, 308.865.8383

For the 16th consecutive year, fourth grade students from Kearney-area communities will take part in Early Awareness Day activities on the University of Nebraska at Kearney campus Tuesday, March 24.

According to Anne McConkey, a student counselor in the UNK Office of Financial Aid, the event is designed to introduce students to college life and generate interest in attending college. In all, more than 75 fourth graders from the communities of Amherst, Axtell, Elm Creek and Pleasanton are expected to attend the event, which is sponsored jointly by the UNK Office of Financial Aid and the Kearney office of the Education Quest Foundation.

The day will open with a welcome from UNK Chancellor Doug Kristensen and a motivational talk by UNK Head Football Coach Darrell Morris (8:50 – 9:10 a.m.) in the Miriam Drake Theatre of the Fine Arts Building. From there, students will be divided into four groups to tour the campus, visit various departments for learning sessions or demonstrations, and eat lunch at the campus food service.

Faculty and staff who will be presenting programs during the day include Dr. Jeremy Dillon, UNK Department of Geography; Janice Fronczak, theatre arts; and David Brandt, UNK Academic Services coordinator. In addition, there will be a Chemistry Magic Show presented by members of the UNK Chemistry Club, and communication majors will lead tours of the radio station studios in the Mitchell Communication Center. Resident advisers will lead tours of Nester Hall, the newest residence hall on the UNK campus.

The complete, detailed schedule follows:

Early Awareness

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

8:50 to 9:10 a.m.                
Welcome Address to 4th grade student visitors, Chancellor Doug Kristensen
“Pep Talk,” Darrell Morris, UNK Head Football Coach
Miriam Drake Theatre, Fine Arts Building

9:10 to 9:15 a.m
.                Divide students into four groups*: A, B, C, D

9:15 to 9:20 a.m.                
Tour of Campus begins for all groups

9:20 to 9:50 a.m.                
Group A: Theatre tour – Fine Arts Building, Janice Fronczak

Group B: Residence Hall tour – Nester South front desk,
Resident Adviser

Group C
: Geography presentation – Copeland Hall, Room 205, 
Dr. Jeremy Dillon, UNK Department of Geography

Group D
: Radio studio tour – Library, meet inside front doors 
Communications Students
(Mitchell Communication Center)

9:50 to 9:55 a.m.                
Tour of Campus continues for all groups

9:55 to 10:25 a.m.
                Group A: Residence Hall tour – Nester South front desk,
Resident Adviser

Group B: Geography presentation – Copeland Hall, Room 205,
Dr. Jeremy Dillon, UNK Department of Geography

Group C:
 Radio studio tour  – Library, meet inside front doors, 
Communications Students

Group D: Theatre tour – Fine Arts Building, Janice Fronczak

10:25 to 10:30 a.m.                
Tour of Campus continues for all groups

10:30 to 11:10 a.m.                
Groups A & B: Student Support Services, “Every Second Counts”,                                                                        Sisler Room, Memorial Student Affairs Building, David Brandt

Groups C & D
Chemistry Magic Show, Copeland Hall, Room 142
Chemistry Club         (restrooms in main hall)

11:10 to 11:15                        
All Groups proceed to Nebraskan Student Union

11:15 a.m. to Noon                
LUNCH for All Groups (Restroom Breaks before & after lunch)
Nebraskan Student Union Commons

Noon to 12:05 p.m.                
Tour of Campus continues for all groups

12:05 to 12:35                        
Group A: Radio studio tour  – Library, meet inside front doors,
Communications Students

Group B
Theatre tour – Fine Arts Building, Janice Fronczak

Group C
: Residence Hall tour – Nester South front desk, 
Resident Adviser

Group D
: Geography presentation – Copeland Hall, Room 205, 
Dr. Jeremy DillonDepartment of Geography        

12:35 to 12:40 p.m.
                Tour of Campus continues for all groups

12:40 to 1:10 p.m.
                Group A: Geography presentation – Copeland Hall, Room 205,
Dr. Jeremy Dillon, Department of Geography

Group B
: Radio studio tour  – Library, meet inside front doors, 
Communications Students
(Mitchell Communication Center)

Group C
: Theatre tour – Fine Arts Building, Janice Fronczak

Group D
: Residence Hall tour – Nester South front desk, 
Resident Adviser

1:10 to 1:15 p.m.
                Tour of Campus continues for all groups

1:15 to 1:55 p.m.
                Groups A & B: Chemistry Magic Show, Copeland Hall, Room 142,                                                                                Chemistry Club (restrooms in main hall)

Groups C & D: Student Support Services, “Every Second Counts”,
Sisler Room, Memorial Student Affairs Building, David Brandt,
Student Support Services

1:55 to 2:15 p.m
.                REFRESHMENT BREAK for All Groups
– Area between Fine Arts and the Library by Amphitheatre

2:20 to 2:50 p.m.
                ALL GROUPS – Intramural Activity – Scot Fransk 

2:50 p.m.        Students receive information packets about college planning

3:00 p.m.
        Dismiss to Buses from Fine Arts Building        

* Group A = Elm Creek
* Group B = Pleasanton
* Group C = Axtell
* Group D = Amherst