Delores Kills In Water Presentation Reschedule For Dec. 11

Jenny Holen
Office of Multicultural Affairs, 308.865.8127

UNK- Delores Kills in Water, an elder from the Sioux reservation in Rosebud, S.D. who was scheduled to speak at the University of Nebraska at Kearney this Thursday (Nov. 13), has been rescheduled to speak Dec. 11. 
She will speak at 7 p.m. in the Ponderosa Room of the Nebraskan Student Union. Her topic is “A Lakota Sioux Family: Our Heritage and Our Future.” The presentation will be free and open to the public. Her presentation was originally scheduled to be held as part of Native American Heritage Month activities on the campus.
Some of the topics covered in the presentation will include culture lost and traditions still practiced, the difference between the reservation schools and public schools, why she does not celebrate Columbus Day, and why she did not teach Lakota to her son.
Kills in Water is one of five women featured in the video “Listen to the Grandmothers: Incorporating Tradition into Contemporary Responses to Violence Against Native Women.”
“We used to have a grandfather who came and lived with us; and he used to tell us stories about the winter and why we should appreciate the seasons,” Kills in Water said. “There was a reason that Tunkasila, the higher power, gave us the seasons, so we could enjoy them and be prepared for them.”
Native American Heritage month is celebrated in the month of November. Events offered on the UNK campus during the month are sponsored by the Student Kouncil of Intertribal Nations (SKINS) and the UNK Office of Multicultural Affairs.