Christopher Silva
Office of Residential and Greek Life assistant, 308.865.8156

Leaders of Greek organizations at the University of Nebraska at Kearney recently attended the Mid-American Greek Council Association (MGCA) 2007 Conference held in a Chicago suburb.
During the conference, students attended various workshops and activities. Some of the topics addressed at the conference included organizational tactics, recruitment and finance management.
Sonja Meyer, a senior from Edgar and president of the UNK Panhellenic Council, said the most important thing she learned from the conference was “how to be an effective leader to make sure my organization has a successful year.”
Meyer also said she learned some new tips regarding the operation of Panhellenic Councils, and she said she will begin to implement these ideas through activities at council meetings.

Nicki Hansen, a senior from North Loup, said the most interesting experience she had at the conference was attending the affiliation luncheon, where attendees were grouped with their Greek colleagues from various institutions.
The former president of the UNK chapter of Chi Omega, Hansen attended the conference as a presenter. Along with Kristin Nielsen, a junior from Omaha representing the UNK Gamma Phi Beta Sorority as president, Hansen presented “Turn up the Heat: A Greek’s Guide to Battling Burnout” and “Etiquette is not Dead Yet.”
Nielsen said it was an honor for them to be selected as speakers for the event, because they were the only student group selected to present at the conference.
Kendra Francke, a sophomore from Waverly who represented the UNK Panhellenic Council as director of Social Affairs, said she was impressed by the speakers and the amount of information presented at the conference.

“The most important thing I learned at MGCA was how to spread unity and pride throughout our system and university, and also how to get all chapter members involved and excited about the many opportunities and events that our Greek system provides,” Francke said.

According to the conference Web site, the purpose of the MGCA is to advance the growth and development of collegiate Greek Councils across the country by promoting leadership and educational experiences. The MGCA is composed of Interfraternity, Panhellenic, Multicultural and Greek Councils from both public and private institutions.