Reynolds Series Presents Teri Youmans Grimm Friday at MONA

Dr. Charles Fort
professor of English, 308.865.8164

The University of Nebraska at Kearney Reynolds Writers & Readers Series  will present poet Teri Youmans Grimm at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21, at  the Museum of Nebraska Art (MONA).

A 1997 graduate of the University of Nebraska at Omaha Writer’s Workshop, Grimm is a former professor in the program.  She received an M.F.A. from Vermont College and is a 2003 recipient of a Merit Award from the Nebraska Arts Council. She served as a contributing editor for Hunger Mountain  and The Nebraska Review,  and as the managing editor for Zoo Press. Her work has appeared in the Indiana Review, Connecticut Review, Prairie Schooner and Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. 

Grimm has recently released Dirt Eaters, a series of poems that tell her life story and those of her Southern rural relatives. It was chosen for the University of Central Florida’s Poetry Series and published by the University Press of Florida. Currently, she is researching and working on a series of works exploring her family’s history with slavery and racism.

“It is my philosophy that as students, one should not only write in the way that is comfortable, but in a way that challenges the sensibilities,” said Grimm. “It’s my belief that reading and studying a wide variety of writers, subjects and aesthetics doesn’t change the voice. It gives it dimension.”

According to Charles Fort, who holds the UNK Reynolds Chair in Poetry and directs the series, the series allows people to become better acquainted with the visual and literary arts.   Series presentations are free and open to the public. In addition to Grimm, 10 poets are featured in this year’s series. Each reading begins at 8 p.m. with a book signing and reception afterwards.

For more information, contact Charles Fort at (308) 865-8164.