Therapeutic Parenting Seminar Set for Thursday and Friday

Dr. Maha Younes Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work, 308.865.8741 Therapeutic Parenting Specialist Nancy Thomas…

Band Day Parade and Competition Saturday

Dr. Gary Davis UNK Symphonic Band director, 308.865.8497 The University of Nebraska at Kearney Band Day…

Nebraskats Show Choir Gears Up for 2005-2006 School Year

Eileen Jahn director of Nebraskats, 308.865.8618 This year, the talent of 14 University of Nebraska at…

Aviation Systems Management to Dedicate New Flight Simulator Thursday

Terry Gibbs program director, 308.865.8309 The Aviation Systems Management Program at the University of Nebraska at Kearney…

‘Godspell’ Opens UNK Theatre Season Thursday

Susan Deiger UNK Theatre, 308.865.8406 The Department of Music & Performing Arts at the University of…